Meeting Time: January 14, 2025 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. 25-907 Action on a Resolution Suspending Existing All-Electric Construction Requirements of the Reach Code and Request for Direction on Needed Amendments to the Reach Code and Climate Action Plan in Light of Recent Changes in Applicable Law

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    Elaine Lee about 1 month ago

    The required margins for each type/size of building should be reasonable while still strongly incentivizing electricity over gas.
    Consider adding prescriptive requirements for cooking appliances and clothes dryers to have zero emissions of nitrogen oxides, which are greenhouse gases and unhealthy.
    The amendments should avoid loopholes and unintended negative consequences and be developed with the input of multiple groups of stakeholders, keeping in mind environmental justice and equity impacts.

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    Wendy Chou about 1 month ago

    Electric building appliances can help avoid decades of GHG emissions.

    A "Single Margin" approach is straightforward to enact. Do set the margin high enough to strongly incentivize electrification (making "dual fuel" too difficult).

    Campbell passed a 2024 "Zero-NOx" ordinance. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and related pollution harm human health (e.g. impaired lung function, asthma attacks, cardiovascular harm, etc). This recommended approach achieves high GHG reductions while improving air quality.