2. 24-1188 PUBLIC HEARING: Action on an Addendum to the Freedom Circle Future Focus Area Plan Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map for the Property Located at 2518 Mission College Boulevard to Allow the Development of 1,792 Residential Units and Associated On- and Off-Site Improvements
"Flex" turf is the 'new' word for plastic turf, which likely includes another petroleum-based tire crumb or plastic or synthetic rubber layer beneath. It's a fact that mixed chemicals & plastics cannot be sustainably recycled at end-of-life (8-10 yrs) & add to the worldwide plastics burden,http://tiny.cc/PlasticClimatePlanet & to plastic in our brains, https://wapo.st/3EMnK7H. Plus plastic heats in sunlight, so those picnic spots may not be comfy or safe. Fix this, e.g., Lippia: Phyla nodiflora
"Flex" turf is the 'new' word for plastic turf, which likely includes another petroleum-based tire crumb or plastic or synthetic rubber layer beneath. It's a fact that mixed chemicals & plastics cannot be sustainably recycled at end-of-life (8-10 yrs) & add to the worldwide plastics burden,http://tiny.cc/PlasticClimatePlanet & to plastic in our brains, https://wapo.st/3EMnK7H. Plus plastic heats in sunlight, so those picnic spots may not be comfy or safe. Fix this, e.g., Lippia: Phyla nodiflora