Meeting Time: January 28, 2020 at 3:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. 20-144 Action on Written Petition received from Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) regarding VTA's BART Phase 2 Transit Oriented Communities (TOCs) Strategy Study and the Santa Clara Station Area Playbook [Council Pillar: Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency]

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    Susan Hinton almost 5 years ago

    "Right-sizing" cars & parking must be more explicit, humane, & realistic. Consider: less well off people live densely together, in familial fashion, for mutual support. This means one or more adults may need to drive far to work, or may need to transport younger or older household members. Forcing low income folks to 1) pay monthly car-port rent or 2) to have to live outside of a TOC does not meet TOC objectives. Car parks with low/no-cost space must be present, though not at every building.