2.H 20-671 Action to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Agreements with SHAC Tasman CDM Apartments LLC for the Construction of Park Improvements and the Maintenance of the Park in perpetuity within the Tasman East Area [Council Pillar: Enhance Community Sports, Recreation and Art Assets]
Exhibit C, Legend 5, Dog Park is described as using synthetic turf, which 1) architecturally is considered "hardscaping," i.e. the environmental equivalent to cement and is therefore not "green" space; and 2) is topped with "synthetic" (plastic) turf. Micro plastics and their off-gasses will pollute the air while run-off will take plastic bits to the Bay and beyond. This should be swapped for drought tolerant grass. Also, other trees & "lush plantings" should be low-water California natives.
Exhibit C, Legend 5, Dog Park is described as using synthetic turf, which 1) architecturally is considered "hardscaping," i.e. the environmental equivalent to cement and is therefore not "green" space; and 2) is topped with "synthetic" (plastic) turf. Micro plastics and their off-gasses will pollute the air while run-off will take plastic bits to the Bay and beyond. This should be swapped for drought tolerant grass. Also, other trees & "lush plantings" should be low-water California natives.