2.H 20-643 Action on Award of Contract for the Citywide Emergency Generator Replacement - Phase 1 Project (CE 17-18-07) [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
Must all of these 35 generators be replaced with similar diesel generators? Have we looked at the history of for how many hours these generators have had to operate in the past during a power outage. Can some generators be replaced with battery backup generators that are much more environmentally friendly? Seems like we're locking in fossil fuel generators that will be in place for 24 more years.
Must all of these 35 generators be replaced with similar diesel generators? Have we looked at the history of for how many hours these generators have had to operate in the past during a power outage. Can some generators be replaced with battery backup generators that are much more environmentally friendly? Seems like we're locking in fossil fuel generators that will be in place for 24 more years.