Agenda Item
3. 20-804 Action on CARES Act Funding in the Amount of $1.59 Million and San José Settlement Agreement Funds in the Amount of $5 Million and Related Budget Amendments [Council Pillars: Promote and Enhance Economic, Housing, and Transportation Development, and Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
I like the bike lanes but I'm not happy with taking $1 million from our general fund to give rebates to our residents when we are considering layoffs in our police department. I opposed the expensive garbage contract that is making us consider these rebates.
I support building low income housing, especially for families. It's unfortunate that despite saying there will be 120 units in 6 stories plus 1 floor of parking on 1.41 acres, there are no development plans. Will the top of the building be stepped back from neighboring houses to prevent overshadowing? Will there be enough parking? If so, this is a more important project than the others, excepting food and rental assistance. By the way, what do Benton residents think about class 2 bike lanes?