I strongly oppose the plan overall. The proposed revision helps but doesn't make much difference. This plan is a disaster to the life quality of the nearby neighborhoods.
I strongly require an independent study about the environmental and residential impact on the transition neighborhood, to provide comprehensive answers to 3 questions: 1) dust and noise, the privacy and sunlight loss to the abutting homes. 2) parking flushed to local streets. 3) the financial damage to home owners.
I oppose the plan to reduce the height limit on El Camino Real.
Santa Clara city has a housing crisis. A 1 bdrm apartment costs about average of $2200/mo to rent. At 1/3 of post tax income, that is requires more than $100k/yr to rent a SINGLE bdrm unit. Can you imagine a whole family in the average 800sqft 1 bdrm unit?
Reducing height and density makes the crisis worse. It causes real pain and suffering to anyone who isn't rich. Fixing housing fixes homelessness, poverty, and racial inequality.
I support the proposed revision to the ECR Specific Plan in its proposal in the unit reduction, building height reduction, and use of a 30-degree daylight plane for projects abutting single-family development along the north side of El Camino Real. This would help to respect the character of adjacent neighborhoods toward maintaining a continual quality of life. I'd like to propose masonry walls to be the dividing boundary type between project buildings and single-family homes.
I strongly oppose the plan overall. The proposed revision helps but doesn't make much difference. This plan is a disaster to the life quality of the nearby neighborhoods.
I strongly require an independent study about the environmental and residential impact on the transition neighborhood, to provide comprehensive answers to 3 questions: 1) dust and noise, the privacy and sunlight loss to the abutting homes. 2) parking flushed to local streets. 3) the financial damage to home owners.
I oppose the plan to reduce the height limit on El Camino Real.
Santa Clara city has a housing crisis. A 1 bdrm apartment costs about average of $2200/mo to rent. At 1/3 of post tax income, that is requires more than $100k/yr to rent a SINGLE bdrm unit. Can you imagine a whole family in the average 800sqft 1 bdrm unit?
Reducing height and density makes the crisis worse. It causes real pain and suffering to anyone who isn't rich. Fixing housing fixes homelessness, poverty, and racial inequality.
I support the proposed revision to the ECR Specific Plan in its proposal in the unit reduction, building height reduction, and use of a 30-degree daylight plane for projects abutting single-family development along the north side of El Camino Real. This would help to respect the character of adjacent neighborhoods toward maintaining a continual quality of life. I'd like to propose masonry walls to be the dividing boundary type between project buildings and single-family homes.