Meeting Time: October 13, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN ZOOM WEBINAR: Please follow the guidelines below when participating in a Zoom Webinar: - The meeting will be recorded so you must choose 'continue' to accept and stay in the meeting. - If there is an option to change the phone number to your name when you enter the meeting, please do so as your name will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak. - Mute all other audio before speaking. Using multiple devices can cause an audio feedback. - Use the raise your hand feature in Zoom when you would like to speak on an item and lower when finished speaking. Press *9 to raise your hand if you are calling in by phone only. - Identify yourself by name before speaking on an item. - Unmute when called on to speak and mute when done speaking. If there is background noise coming from a participant, they will be muted by the host. Press *6 if you are participating by phone to unmute. - If you no longer wish to stay in the meeting once your item has been heard, please exit the meeting.

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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