Meeting Time: January 10, 2022 at 6:00pm PST

Agenda Item

1.B 22-1542 Review and Recommend to the City Council to Approve Adoption of an IS/MND, a Billboard Relocation Agreement and Zoning Code Amendment to allow the installation of a new single-sided LED digital billboard at 630 Laurelwood Road

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Jonathon Evans about 3 years ago

    This removes signs on public streets to place one near the freeway. The draft reloc agreement states: "K. Outdoor Advertising Act section 5443(b) provides that Caltrans shall issue a permit for a display in the vicinity of a landscaped freeway if the display is being placed pursuant to a relocation agreement with a government entity that commits to the removal of another display in the vicinity of a landscaped freeway." The proposal does NOT commit to the removal of a billboard near a freeway.