22-411. The CC denied this previously, The only significant change is to abuse AB 3194 to avoid rules. An objective reason to deny is failure to comply with Code and misleading, if not fraudulent, reports. Details provided to City. If bullied to pass. I ask that you require striking of ambiguous language in MND MM BR-3 ", or as close to the proposed building foundation as possible." The code is the code; a developer should not be allowed to define the code to fit their will or convenience.
Ecomments made by Susan Hinton moving forward, are fabricated by Mayor Lisa Gillmor &/or James Rowan. Lisa is speaking through these individuals in order to save face. The three of them are trying to slander & overthrow council to benefit the Mayor. Don't be fooled Santa Clarans, Lisa DOES NOT release Public Records, but rather has James request records while Susan agrees with them publicly. Lisa also does this with her favorite personal blogger, Robert Haugh. Lisa hides behind them all. Watch.
22-411. The CC denied this previously, The only significant change is to abuse AB 3194 to avoid rules. An objective reason to deny is failure to comply with Code and misleading, if not fraudulent, reports. Details provided to City. If bullied to pass. I ask that you require striking of ambiguous language in MND MM BR-3 ", or as close to the proposed building foundation as possible." The code is the code; a developer should not be allowed to define the code to fit their will or convenience.
Sorry Жозефина Преображенский, but I, Susan Hinton, am a real person with my own opinions whereas I do wonder whether you are real.
Ecomments made by Susan Hinton moving forward, are fabricated by Mayor Lisa Gillmor &/or James Rowan. Lisa is speaking through these individuals in order to save face. The three of them are trying to slander & overthrow council to benefit the Mayor. Don't be fooled Santa Clarans, Lisa DOES NOT release Public Records, but rather has James request records while Susan agrees with them publicly. Lisa also does this with her favorite personal blogger, Robert Haugh. Lisa hides behind them all. Watch.