Meeting Time: May 24, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

9. 22-594 Action on the Freedom Circle Future Focus Area Plan Including: Adoption and Certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Prepared to Analyze the Potential Environmental Impacts for the Project and an Associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; Adoption of a General Plan Text Amendment to Add Language Regarding the Creation of Additional Future Focus Areas, the Re-designation of Land Outside of Focus Areas, Creation of the New Very High-Intensity Office/Research & Development (R&D) Designation, and Adoption of a General Plan Amendment to Create the Freedom Circle Future Focus Area, Bounded by Great America Parkway to the West, Mission College Boulevard to the North, San Tomas Aquino Creek to the East, and Highway 101 to the South; Adoption of the Greystar General Plan Amendment to Change the Designation of the Greystar Site from High Intensity Office/Research & Development (R&D) (Maximum Floor Area Ratio of 2.0) to Very High Density Residential (51-100 Dwelling Units/Acre); and Adoption of the Planned Development Rezoning for the Greystar Site, Which Would Allow up to 1,100 Units on a 13.3 Gross Acre Site Bounded by Freedom Circle to the West, Mission College Boulevard to the North, San Tomas Aquino Creek to the East and Highway 101 to the South

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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