Meeting Time: August 22, 2023 at 4:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

8. 23-810 Public Hearing: Actions on an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), General Plan Amendment to the Community Mixed-Use Designation and Related Policies, Rezone to Planned Development, and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map for the Development of 50 Multi-Family Residential Units, Four Townhomes, Three Single-Family Residences, and 3,800 Square Feet of Ground floor Commercial Space for the Properties Located at 906-950 Monroe Street and 1341 Homestead Road

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    Noah MacDonald over 1 year ago

    I oppose the general plan amendment for 950 Monroe Street. A general plan amendment is a discretionary power of the City Council, and the City is under no obligation to grant an amendment to the benefit of a single developer. Such amendments should be granted only as part of a larger planning process such as a general plan update or precise plan. Deny this request.

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    Eric Mosinger over 1 year ago

    Santa Clara desperately needs more affordable housing like this development for families. To the homeowners who oppose this development on the grounds that it is inconsistent with the "neighborhood character”: What kind of "neighborhood character" will we have when families can't afford to live here? When middle-income families like mine are forced to move out? When teachers, healthcare workers, and professors are replaced by retirees and AirBnBs? We need many, many more buildings like this.

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    Jonathon Evans over 1 year ago

    I oppose the general plan amendment for 950 Monroe Street. A general plan amendment is a discretionary power of the City Council, and the City is under no obligation to grant an amendment to the benefit of a single developer. Such amendments should be granted only as part of a larger planning process such as a general plan update or precise plan. Deny this request.

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    Patty Costantini over 1 year ago

    Please do not approve 950 Monroe or ANY further downtown projects until the downtown plan is finalized and the form based code is adopted.

    You do not want to be known for ruining the neighborhood and approving this intrusive project.